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Maria Spante

Maria Spante

Senior Lecturer

Docent J207


Staff member at Division of Informatics. Conducts research in social sciences, informatics.

Specialization and current research interests

Guided by curiosity regarding human interaction and communication in various technical systems, I have participated in a range of projects. These projects have, in different ways, studied how humans have been more or less successful in their strive to accomplish things together when interacting with or via technical systems to solve specific tasks, create specific products and create new possibilities for learning.

Increasingly, the research is conducted with an action research approach with a special interest in work-integrated learning, user-driven innovation and co-design processes as well as studies regarding consequences of the use of digital tools and systems in learning situations.

Furthermore, theoretical interest in Cultural-Historical Activity Theory (CHAT) has become more intense as well as methodological work with formative interventions specifically with the method Change Laboratory (CL). 


Research projects