IIW Intermediate meetings
Join the IIW Intermediate meetings presenting the world-wide top-notch knowledge in welding and additive manufacturing. Welcome to us at University West in Trollhättan, Sweden, on March 10-12, 2025!
About the conference
University West is hosting the IIW Intermediate meetings for commissions I, II, IV, IX and XII. These meetings concentrate the world-wide top-notch knowledge in welding and additive manufacturing.
For whom?
Industry and academia to present and to listen to the most recent findings in the field.
If you plan to present your works in this meeting, you need to contact the chair for the specific commission well in advance and get specific instructions. You'll find the chairs and their contact details in the links below.
C-I: Additive Manufacturing, Surfacing and Thermal Cutting
C-II: Arc welding and filler metals
C-IV: Power beam processes
C-IX: Behaviour of metals subjected to welding
C-XII: Arc welding processes and production systems
University West is located in the city of Trollhättan, Sweden. The town is beautifully situated along the Göta River and has a rich history of industry and innovation and is today home to many large, medium and small manufacturing companies. Getting here!
There is no registration fee required to attend these meetings, but you need to register at latest February 15th, 2025.
Register now!
Social events
Lab tour to the Production Technology Center will take place on the 10th of March after the afternoon session, and the dinner will take place on the 11th of March.
Please contact Maria Asuncion Valiente Bermejo, asun.valiente@hv.se
Immediately following these meeting days, the 5th International conference on Cracking Phenomena in welding and AM will take place in March 12–14, 2025. Here as well, University West has the pleasure of hosting. Read more!
Event sponsor