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The largest part of these emissions is related to the kinds of food we choose to eat, but also factors like the method of production and food waste affect the levels of emission (Summary Report of the EAT-Lancet Commission 2019:17).   

Objective: Emissions brought about by food and food service will, measured in carbon dioxide equivalency, gradually be reduced and by 2045 will be at a level that complies with the international and national climate objectives. The emissions that remain, will be compensated for by reducing emissions and carbon negative emissions in other areas.

Measures to be taken for reducing carbon emissions are focused on serving climate-smart food and beverages, reducing food waste, and minimizing the use of environmentally unfriendly single-use products. To make climate-smart choices possible, systems must be developed to underscore the impact on the environment that comes from food and beverages and to follow up on our objectives for reducing our impact on the environment. Climate demands that we can follow up on must be made when signing contracts with catering services and the university must collaborate in various ways by making sustainability and climate demands on the restaurants that we have contracts with. Even students and employees are encouraged to participate in the university’s efforts to develop a selection of sustainable and climate-smart foods and beverages that are served on campus.  

Table food foodservice


Hanna Stafhammar Kjellgren

Hanna Stafhammar Kjellgren Qualified Analyst