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Invigning av Centre for Activity Centre vid Högskolan VästGreat joy and pride when University West broadcast live the inauguration of the Centre for Activity Theory. Among the speakers: Kristina Johansson, Associate professor. Martin Hellström, Vice-Chancellor. Lars Svensson, Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Research and Research Education. Ulrika Lundh Snis, Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Work Integrated Learning.

The Centre for Activity Theory is a virtual platform where current research, projects and news about activity theory are gathered. University West published the new website last Friday when the centre was inaugurated with speeches by several prominent researchers in the field.

“Our ambition is to grasp the very latest in activity theory. Here, researchers, teachers and students will also be able to develop skills via webinars, filmed lectures, online courses and more. For example, we have recently completed a popular summer course with just over 30 participants from about ten countries”, mentions Kristina, initiator of University West's new center.

“This platform is important for University West in several ways. Since activity theory has a close connection to Work Integrated Learning, WIL, we can contribute with knowledge and competence to the subject of WIL. At the same time, we have the opportunity to strengthen the university's position and international network within WIL. Of course, our students will also be able to benefit greatly from the tools and knowledge that the platform provides”, Kristina points out.

The new centre will engage some of the world's most knowledgeable professors in activity theory; Anna-Lisa Sannino, Tampere University and Yrjö Engeström, University of Helsinki. Both are guest professors at University West. The university's centre complements other established platforms such as Cradle at Helsinki University and the research group RESET at Tampere University.


Activity theory is a theory and a research method used in many different fields and activities. It is used, for example, to understand and solve major societal challenges such as homelessness, climate change, human-machine interaction and more. Simply explained, activity theory is about understanding how people investigate, learn things and solve problems together.

Contact: Kristina Johansson, Associate professor in Education, University West. 

More about the Centre for Activity Center
