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About our partnership model

The centre utilises a partnership model aimed to promote research carried out in close cooperation with external actors. In each joint project, the researcher and the external partner formulate the central research question together to ensure mutually beneficial outcomes. It is important that the research questions be formulated in a way that makes them both of high scientific interest and of strong interest to the respective project partner.

In addition to publication in academic journals or other outlets, which the University requires, projects must be reported to the external partner. Since it must be easy for the partner to access the research results and implement them in practice, the researcher(s) involved and the external partner must agree on how the project outcome should be reported. The model is designed so that each project corresponds to 30% of a full-time position.

The model also includes a support function where the centre director meets with the researchers involved in projects on several occasions to discuss and provide support in the research process.

Besides the research conducted within the framework of the partnership model, the centre for child and youth studies collaborates with external actors for example by funding doctoral studentships. Together with the Närhälsan community health services in Gothenburg and Campus Västervik in Västervik, two doctoral studentships funded in equal parts by the University and the respective partner were established in autumn 2016.

Outreach projects

Many collaborative research projects are focused around early intervention for children, adolescents and their families aimed to promote psychological health as well as inclusion of children and youth and thus social sustainability in the long term. Two new outreach projects have been launched in 2016: one in the municipality of Lysekil and one involving seven municipalities in the Fyrbodal region.

Ongoing projects

Fyrbodal Local Federation
Barnahusets insatsmodell (BIM) i Fyrbodal

Grästorp Municipality
Ungas tillit till Grästorps kommun

Innovatum, Trollhättan
FAM - Få alla med

Orust Municipality
HittaDrivet- fas 2

Trollhättan City
Tidig upptäckt, tidig insats
Skolstängning som verktyg för minskad segregation och ökad inkludering?
Undervisning och kommunikation i träningsskolan

Region Västra Götaland
Barn, unga och rättigheter

Finished projects

Ale Municipality
Young people with risky use of alcohol and drugs 

Campus Västervik
Young and unemployed in Västervik
Barns och ungas perspektiv på försörjningsstöd 
Bygga broar till något nytt – Om tvärprofessionell samverkan i skolan för att stödja ungas livsval
Young adults living in rural areas
Unga vuxna som flyttar till Västervik

Fyrbodal Local Federation
Welfare technology for increased well-being and empowerment
Barn och ungas våld i familjen

Grästorp Municipality
Team Agera - an increased and deepened pupil-health intervention through interprofessional collaboration
Ledarskap i klassrummet

Jönköping Municipality
Lärarens ledarskap i och utanför klassrummet

Lidköping Municipality
Ung arena

Lysekil Municipality
Fältsekreterarnas uppsökande sociala arbete inom ramen för förebyggandeenheten i Lysekils kommun

Lysekil Municipality - Education Department
Trygg hela dagen

Länsförsäkringar Älvsborg
Du äger ditt liv

Mellan evidens och reflektion: om professionellt lärande i socialtjänstens familjebehandlande arbete

Orust Municipality and Dals-Ed Municipality
HittaDrivet: studiemotivation och genusmönster i grundskolan

Stenungsund Municipality
Children’s Transitions from Preschool to School

Trollhättan City and Västra Götaland County
Svenska som andraspråk i förskolan – metoder och strategier
Agency, gender and intercultural encounters of children and young people: A case study of a football club

Uddevalla Municipality
Parent resource - a deepened and broadened support for families in need
About teachers’ relationships with parents whose children are regarded to have "problems".

Vara Municipality
The significance of early interventions in preschool

Vänersborg Municipality and Trollhättan Municipality
Kartläggning av nyanlända elevers mottagande och utbildningssituation, samt deras övergångar i skolsystemet (KAN-projektet)

Västra Götaland County
Barnrättsarbete genom ombud

Åmål Municipality
Health care for youths in Åmål
